Case Study: Global Total Workforce Management Implementation 

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The story

Large semiconductor intellectual property (IP) supplier. Delivers and contracts microprocessors, systems and physical IP, multimedia graphics, and tools worldwide.

Our client partnered with an Managed Service Program (MSP) provider that didn’t have the capability to support them globally. We took over their plan in 2019 to modernize their company’s total workforce management program across all regions. Due to the lack of innovation and support from their previous provider, the company contemplated taking their MSP in-house.


The challenge

  • Our client utilized a first generation RPO previously held by Cielo, but wanted to engage with a supplier who could provide a true global partnership, improve cost efficiency, increase candidate satisfaction and decrease time to offer.
  • With offices located globally, we needed a plan that addressed every region’s talent management operation in a timely manner.


The solution

  • RPO
    • UK, EMEA, US, India, and Far East went live in November 2019.
  • Early Careers
    • Went live in April 2020.
    • Introduced Career Roadmap, Project Workstreams, and Apprenticeship Programme in April 2021.
  • MSP
    • UK went live in April 2021 along with supplier management.
    • Spain and Poland went live in June 2021.
    • US and India went live in 2022.


The results

We currently serve our client globally by means of a Total Workforce Management system. Total offers since RPO and Early Careers service implementation total 1,594 and 1,234 respectively, with the most annual offers (630) through Early Careers in FY2020. We provide MSP services in the UK, US, India, Poland, and Spain; Executive hiring services in the UK and Japan; and Supplier management and SOW services in the UK and US.

If you’re interested in learning more about Hays MSP solutions, contact us and we can walk through some of your contingent workforce challenges together.

1,594 RPO VOA & 1,234 EC VOA via our service.

Increased direct sourcing from 25% to 98%.

100% compliant program, with independent contractors having required documentation and compliance paperwork.

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