DE&I in Recruitment Report 2021
Building Blocks to a More Diversified Workforce

DE&I in Recruitment Report 2021
Building Blocks to a More Diversified Workforce
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A lot of 'DE&I' talk and very little action
While DE&I is now top on the agenda for a majority of organizations, few have done much about it. Your organization may not have the infrastructure in place to implement programs or while the intention is there, where do you start? Recruitment.
Hays survey of employers across the country revealed 42% of organizations see recruitment as the most important part of their organizations DE&I strategy.
Do you know how to create a diverse talent pipeline? Our report revealed the top challenge organizations are facing is determining where to source candidates from under presented communities.
In this report, you will uncover:
- - Top challenges employers are facing when trying to diversify their workforce
- - 3 biases that can affect your recruitment strategy
- - Tactics organizations use to improve DE&I in their recruitment process
- - How employers can embrace DE&I
Hundreds of employers across the nation have shared their insights to help us create our new report. Now we are sharing the results and giving you the best practices – get the building blocks to build a more diversified workforce and achieve your DE&I goals with your copy today.