How to ask for feedback after the job interview?

3 min | Alex Powell | Article | Job searching | Interview advice

A woman smiles as she looks at the man in front of her.

If you don't know how to approach the company and your recruiter, or maybe you already know what to do, but you want to read a little more on the subject so you don't get the wrong tone, we invite you to continue reading this article, so we understand the best way to ask for feedback from a job interview.

Sometimes we wonder how to ask for feedback from a job interview. After all, it's normal to feel anxious while waiting for an answer.  

How to ask for feedback after the interview?

You must control anxiety during the post-interview period, as hiring processes take time. Each company has its own processes.  
We recommend that candidates ask questions at some point during the interview to better understand how the selection process will progress. Here are some ways to approach the topic during the interview:  

  • What is the company's timeline for this vacancy? Starting immediately or just in the next quarter or semester?  
  • What are the next steps in the selection process?  
  • How long does it usually take for the company to contact the candidate?  
  • Will the company contact candidates who do not move forward in the selection process?  

Even so, if the candidate does not receive any feedback after the interview, it is advisable to contact the recruiters for information within 7 to 10 days after the job interview.  

The candidate will be contacted through the same communication channel used from the beginning of the conversation with the company. Maintaining the communication channel helps the recruiter know who you are and increases the chances that he/she will return with your comments. That is, if the communication channel is email, send an email. Now, if the communication channel was the phone, only make the call if you feel comfortable doing so. Be brief and to the point. In case you feel unsure, it is appropriate to send a text message.  
Another way to stay ahead of the curve is to watch for signs that your interview was a success.

You may like: 11 Signs your Interview went well | Career Advice | Hays US  

Sample messages for requesting job interview feedback

Here are some examples to inspire you in crafting your post-interview feedback request message. Feel free to adapt the templates according to your style and also according to your dealings throughout the process with the company. 

Formal template

Subject: Feedback selection process - Vacancy XYZ  

Dear José, good afternoon!  

First of all, I hope you are well! I would like to thank you for your time in our interview last week and reaffirm that I am very interested and excited about the opportunity. Would it be possible to inform the schedule of the next steps of the selection process? If I am not part of the candidates being considered for the next phase, I would appreciate being informed.   

Thank you!  

Yours sincerely,  

First and last name  

Contact phone number  


Informal form

Subject: Feedback selection process - Vacancy XYZ  

Hello José, good morning!  

First of all, thank you very much for your availability last week for our interview, I am very interested and motivated with the opportunity. I am very interested and motivated with the opportunity. Would it be possible to inform a status of the selection process and what would be the next steps, please? I would like to be able to organize myself. But, if I have not been selected for the next phase, I would be very grateful if you could let me know.  

Thank you very much and have a great day!  

First and last name  

Contact phone number  


By text message

Hi Jose, how are you? I am [NAME], who participated in an interview with you on XX/YYY for vacancy XYZ. I am very motivated with the vacancy opportunity and I would like to know what are the next steps in the selection process. I look forward to hearing from you, thank you.  

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About this author

Alex Powell

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